Support the 2019 Presteigne Festival
After a hugely successful fundraising concert in London earlier this month, excitement is beginning to mount for the 2019 edition of the Presteigne Festival. The full programme is to be announced at the beginning of April and we’ll be sending shiny new Festival Brochures to our family of Benefactors, Patrons and Friends before the official announcement.
We hope to attract many new individual Festival supporters this year, and hope that you’ll be interested in becoming a Friend, Patron or Benefactor of the 2019 Presteigne Festival.
For many years the Festival was supported financially by Powys County Council however, Powys has recently been forced to axe all its community and cultural funding and we therefore need to find new areas of support.
Many individuals have already helped by making donations and a number of Trusts and Foundations are being extremely supportive – it would be wonderful if you could consider a donation to the Festival this year – we certainly have one of our strongest programmes ever.
Details of the various schemes can be found on this special page, please join our ever-expanding group of Festival supporters. In return, we can offer you some great additional benefits.